WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Must Resign. Now.
Robert W Malone MD from “Who is Robert Maloneからのメルマガ(ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS DEC 3)の原文と日本語訳。
On December 02, 2024, The US House of Representatives “Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic” released a 500+ page report covering their findings from two years of investigations, which will be read into the congressional record 04 Dec 2024. Malone.News has previously covered and published the corresponding press release.
With this essay, we now turn to an underreported aspect of this report; collusion between the World Health Organization (under the direction of Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus) and the Central Communist Party of China (CCP) to advance the interests of the Chinese CCP at the expense of other WHO member states and global health. Based on these official US Congressional Select Committee findings, WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus must now resign as he has failed to fulfill and comply with both the scope and intent of the UN/WHO charter and also failed to comply with the version of the International Health Regulations guiding the activities of himself and the WHO in the context of the greatest infectious disease public health crisis ever encountered since the formation of the WHO. As the committee clearly documents, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus’ and WHO’s corrupt and biased malfeasance and mismanagement directly contributed to exacerbating the severity of the initial phase of the Coronavirus Pandemic.
On the basis of this report, Malone.News calls upon President Elect of the United States Donald Trump to condemn the WHO and Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus for their corrupt and biased pro-CCP actions during the Coronavirus Pandemic. We specifically recommend:
the immediate resignation of WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,
to prioritize initiating the process of defunding and terminating US relations with the World Health Organization as soon as possible after assuming the office of POTUS,
to withdraw from negotiations relating to the WHO “Pandemic Treaty,” and to
to clearly and unambiguously indicate that the amendments to the International Health Regulations recently illegally approved under direction of WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus be declared non-binding, null and void due to a failure of Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to comply with WHO/UN policies and procedures for amending the International Health Regulations.
On 23 May 2017, The World Health Assembly elected Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of Ethiopia as the new Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), during the Assembly’s 70th session. He began a five-year term on 1 July 2017 and succeed Margaret Chan in the role. The WHO has a long, rich, and well-known history of corruption.
Dr. Margaret Chan Fung Fu-chun is a Chinese-Canadian physician, who served as the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) from 2006 to 2017. Chan previously served as Director of Health in the Hong Kong Government (1994–2003) and representative of the WHO Director-General for Pandemic Influenza and WHO Assistant Director-General for Communicable Diseases (2003–2006). In 2014, Forbes ranked her as the 30th most powerful woman in the world. In early 2018 she joined the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). She was widely criticized for her handling of the 1997 H5N1 avian influenza outbreak and the 2003 SARS outbreak in Hong Kong, and the 2014-2016 West African Ebola outbreak.
I (Robert Malone) have had direct personal experience with Dr. Chan during the 2014-2016 West African Ebola outbreak, and witnessed her attempts to shake down my small biotech client at the time (New Link Genetics) for financial contributions to the WHO in exchange for supporting the advancement of the Ebola vaccine candidate then owned by New Link (purchased from Public Health Canada for slightly more than 100,000 USD), and which was later licensed to Merck Vaccines (with my assistance). This type of activity is considered standard WHO practice and accounts for at least some of the substantial dark funding that the WHO receives from the pharmaceutical industry and other special interests. Merck subsequently obtained FDA market authorization for the PHAC/New Link Ebola vaccine product after considerable developmental support was provided by US DoD/DTRA and HHS/BARDA. I personally lead the development of and served as primary author of the awarded USG contract bids that capitalized much of this Ebola vaccine support, and also served as initial capture and project manager. A US Army officer and leader of the DoD Ebola vaccine team (not myself) was subsequently appointed project manager for the USG Warp Speed Moderna “vaccine” project.
In contrast, the Ebola vaccine candidates supported and promoted by NIH/NIAID were unsuccessful. US DoD/DTRA was explicitly required by the Obama White House to allow HHS to take credit for that success due to political considerations relating to the involvement of DoD in exploiting vaccine surveillance activities to locate and then assassinate Osama Bin Ladin.
Dr. Tedros’ selection process began before September 2016, and the Assembly considered three nominees: Dr. Tedros, as he is known; David Nabarro (UK); and Sania Nishtar (Pakistan). The 70th WHA convened from 22-31 May 2017, in Geneva, Switzerland, and selected Dr. Tedros as Director-General WHO with the strong support of Mr. Bill Gates.
Previously, Tedros served as Chair of the Global Fund and of the Roll Back Malaria (RBM) Partnership Board (RBM) and created the Global Malaria Action Plan, which expanded the RBM’s work beyond Africa to Asia and Latin America. He also served as Ethiopia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Health (2012-2016 ). Tedros has links to the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (“TPLF”), a group designated as a terrorist organization by the Ethiopian government. Tedros was a senior capo for TPLF, a gangster mafia that ruled Ethiopia from 1991-2018. During that time, he served as Health Minister and Foreign Minister, cementing his credentials as a member of the inner circle of what was one of if not the most corrupt, brutal and genocidal regimes to set foot on this planet in the past 30 years. Tedros’ political career began by aligning with TPLF, a hard-left organization. He served as Ethiopia’s health minister and foreign minister under the TPLF-dominated ruling coalition. The Ethiopian government has turned against Tedros, accusing him of supporting TPLF and failing to show integrity and professionalism. In 2020, Ethiopia’s military accused Tedros Adhanom of supporting and trying to procure arms and diplomatic support for TPLF, which is fighting federal troops. The Ethiopian government has called on WHO to investigate Tedros’ actions and declined to back his re-election as WHO’s Director-General in May 2022.
The 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly reelected Dr. Tedros as WHO head (unopposed) by unanimous acclimation for a second term beginning 16 August 2022. No nation put up a candidate against him despite his controversial handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and close relationship to China (CCP).
When the Biden administration rejoined the WHO in January after President Trump had elected to withdraw from the WHO, Dr. Anthony Fauci said that Tedros was his “dear friend.” Tedros reportedly referred to Fauci as “my brother Tony.”
As reported at the time by Fox News
Craig Singleton, adjunct fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, told Fox News, “The WHO Director General election stood as one of the first multilateral tests for the Biden administration, which has prioritized multilateralism and the United Nations in particular as a vehicle to promote U.S. interests on the world stage. The administration has put forward candidates for other international organization elections, such as the International Telecommunications Union, but has yet to provide an explanation for its decision to not challenge Tedros.”
Singleton continued, “This misstep raises serious questions about Washington’s efforts to push back against China’s growing U.N. activism, which includes Beijing’s efforts to promote leadership candidates throughout the UN system which are deferential to China’s interests.”
Observers say the U.S. lack of activism in the election process means it lost a major opportunity to wield influence over the future of the organization. The nomination deadline ended at the end of September.
This unfortunate history provides yet another example of the Biden/Harris administration’s actions that functionally supported Chinese CCP activities and agendas.
Dr. Tedros recently jammed through modifications of the International Health Regulations during the 77th meeting of the World Health Assembly without official US governmental objections while blatantly disregarding established protocol and process for legal amendment approvals, which Malone.News previously covered here.
The 78th meeting of the World Health Assembly is scheduled to convene in Geneva from Monday, May 19, 2025 to Tuesday, May 27, 2025, and approval of the proposed WHO/International “Pandemic Treaty” is anticipated during that meeting.
The following is a summary of the findings of the US House COVID committee findings regarding Tedros, WHO, and the proposed Pandemic Treaty. For detailed supporting text, please see the report section titled “The Implementation or Effectiveness of Any Federal Law or Regulation Applied, Enacted, or Under Consideration to Address the Coronavirus Pandemic and Prepare for Future Pandemics”, subsection “I. Overreliance on the World Health Organization,” pages 171 to 188.
Key findings from this section of the report include:
The World Health Organization Failed to Uphold Its Mission and Caved to Chinese Communist Party Pressure.
The WHO Ignored Taiwan Despite It Warning of COVID-19 in December 2019
The WHO Denied Human-to-Human Spread of COVID-19 Based Solely on CCP Propaganda
The WHO Prolonged Naming COVID-19 a PHEIC and Pandemic Because the CCP Insisted the Spread was Under Control
The WHO Delayed and Denigrated Serious Countermeasures, Like Travel Restrictions, Because of CCP Pressure
The WHO Continued to Praise CCP Failed Efforts to Combat the Pandemic, Despite a Globally Recognized the Cover-Up
The WHO Failed to Condemn the CCP’s Aggressive Tactics Against Whistleblowers, Journalists, and Americans
The WHO Posted False Information Regarding the Origins and Notification of COVID- 19’s Emergence
The Chinese Communist Party Violated Articles Six and Seven of the International Health Regulations with No Repercussions.
The CCP violated IHR Articles Six and Seven and needs to be held accountable.
Article 6 of the IHR says that “[e]ach State Party shall notify WHO…within 24 hours…of all events which may constitute a public health emergency of international concern.”666 In order for an outbreak to require notification it must: (1) have serious public health consequences, (2) be unusual or unexpected, (3) have risk of international spread, and (4) pose significant risk to international trade.667 COVID-19 met all these criteria well before the WHO was formally notified of the outbreak by China. Further, Article 7 of the IHR states that if a “State Party has evidence of an unexpected or unusual public health event…it shall provide to WHO all relevant public health information.”668 The CCP failed to notify the WHO in a timely manner and subsequently concealed valuable information—harming the global response and leading to unnecessary illness and death.
The World Health Organization’s Report Regarding the Origins of COVID-19 Was Incomplete, Misleading, and Parroted Chinese Communist Party Propaganda.
Apart from the initial mismanagement of the virus, the WHO produced a report on the origins of COVID-19 that did nothing but continue the CCP’s propaganda.675 The WHO attempted to organize an investigation into the origins of the virus, yet from the very beginning it was evident the CCP was completely in control.
The “Terms of Reference for the China Part” [hereinafter “Terms of Reference”] was a document that laid the ground rules for the WHO’s investigation. These terms were inherently flawed, provided significant discretion to the CCP, and continued to parrot CCP propaganda.676 Some examples included:
Supporting CCP propaganda by stating the investigation would also evaluate the “possibility the virus may have silently” started outside of Wuhan.
Dodging responsibility by “build[ing] on existing information and augment, rather than duplicate, ongoing [CCP]…efforts.”
Phony scientific independence by giving the CCP final right of refusal on the “composition of the international team.”
In January 2021, an international team traveled to Wuhan, China to review evidence of when and how the virus might have emerged.678 In March 2021, the WHO team released a report, entitled “WHO-Convened Global Study of Origins of SARS-CoV-2: China Part,” [hereinafter “WHO Report”] outlining four possible origin scenarios:
direct zoonotic spillover is considered to be a possible-to-likely pathway;
introduction through an intermediate host is considered to be a likely to very likely pathway;
introduction through cold/food chain products is considered a possible pathway; [and]
introduction through a laboratory incident was considered to be an extremely unlikely pathway.
A significant restriction, was the CCP’s complete control over every single aspect of the investigation team’s itinerary and access to information. Upon arriving in Wuhan, the WHO team quarantined for two weeks in hotel rooms and were further restricted to certain areas of the hotel after quarantining.
The investigators were restricted from dining with their Chinese counterparts, a seemingly insignificant detail, yet denied the WHO team the opportunity to engage in informal, human-to-human, conversation that can provide invaluable information.
In Wuhan, Chinese scientists stated they had reviewed the medical records of approximately 76,000 patients from more than 200 medical institutions.692 When the WHO team requested raw numbers and data, Chinese scientists only presented analysis.
Of the 76,000 medical records examined, 92 patients from October, November, and early December 2019 curiously showed symptoms suggesting COVID-19, yet none tested positive for antibodies according to medical records.
The WHO Report’s conclusion included four hypotheses: that the virus jumped directly from animal to human; it spread via some (one not identified) intermediate animal; it was transmitted via the food chain, especially frozen products; or it came from a laboratory. These were concluded via a show of hands, in a room with Chinese counterparts—many of whom report directly to the CCP—that had already ruled out a lab accident and suggested the pandemic started somewhere outside of China. The theory that the virus came from a lab was voted as “extremely unlikely” and wasn’t recommended for further research.
This was very clearly not a thorough, complete, or impartial investigation. The CCP Ministry of Foreign Affairs even admitted, “China firmly opposes certain countries’ attempts to…hold China accountable.” Yet, even though the rest of the world understands this report is a sham, the CCP presents it as the definitive assessment concerning the origins of COVID-19. So much so, the Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. sent the Select Subcommittee a letter attempting to obstruct the Select Subcommittee’s investigation into the origins of COVID-19, citing to the WHO origins report.
The WHO team was not allowed to review any raw data or conduct their own analysis.
Malone.News previously covered the original WHO COVID investigation findings here.
The original WHO report key findings included the following, which are contradicted by the House Select subcommittee’s findings. This quote clearly demonstrates that the WHO was compromised by placing the interests of the Chinese CCP above those of other member states and global health.
“For each of these possible pathways of emergence, the joint team conducted a qualitative risk assessment, considering the available scientific evidence and findings. It also stated the arguments against each possibility. The team assessed the relative likelihood of these pathways and prioritized further studies that would potentially increase knowledge and understanding globally. The joint team’s assessment of likelihood of each possible pathway was as follows:
• direct zoonotic spillover is considered to be a possible-to-likely pathway;
• introduction through an intermediate host is considered to be a likely to very likely pathway;
• introduction through cold/ food chain products is considered a possible pathway;
• introduction through a laboratory incident was considered to be an extremely unlikely pathway.”
The full 2021 WHO report can be downloaded from this link.
2024年12月2日、米国下院の「新型コロナウイルス感染症特別委員会」は、 2年間の調査結果をまとめた500ページを超える報告書を発表し、2024年12月4日に議会記録に読み上げられる予定です。Malone.Newsは以前、対応するプレスリリースを取り上げ、公開しています。
私(ロバート・マローン)は、2014年から2016年にかけて西アフリカで発生したエボラ出血熱の流行中にチャン博士と直接対面した経験があり、当時の私の小規模なバイオテクノロジーのクライアント(ニューリンク・ジェネティクス)から、当時ニューリンクが所有し(カナダ公衆衛生省から10万ドル強で購入)、後にメルク・ワクチンズにライセンス供与されたエボラワクチン候補の開発を支援する見返りに、WHOへの資金提供を強要しようとする彼女の試みを目撃しました(私の支援を受けて)。この種の活動はWHOの標準的な慣行とみなされており、WHOが製薬業界やその他の特別利益団体から受け取る多額の闇資金の少なくとも一部を占めています。メルクはその後、米国国防総省/DTRAおよびHHS/BARDAから多大な開発支援を受けた後、PHAC/ニューリンクのエボラワクチン製品のFDA販売承認を取得しました。私は個人的に、このエボラワクチン支援の多くを資本化した USG 契約入札の開発を主導し、その主要執筆者として務め、また、初期のキャプチャおよびプロジェクト マネージャーも務めました。その後、米国陸軍将校で国防総省のエボラワクチン チームのリーダー (私ではありません) が USG Warp Speed Moderna「ワクチン」プロジェクトのプロジェクト マネージャーに任命されました。
対照的に、NIH/NIAID が支援し推進したエボラワクチン候補は不成功に終わった。オバマ政権は、ワクチン監視活動を利用してオサマ・ビン・ラディンを探し出し暗殺するという国防総省の関与に関する政治的配慮から、米国国防総省/DTRA に対し、その成功の功績を HHS に認めるよう明示的に要求した。
第75回世界保健総会は、テドロス博士を全会一致でWHO事務局長に再選(無投票)し、2022年8月16日から2期目を務めることを決定した。テドロス博士のCOVID-19パンデミックへの対応が物議を醸し、中国(中国共産党)と緊密な関係にあるにもかかわらず、 どの国も彼に対抗する候補者を立てなかった。
民主主義防衛財団の客員研究員クレイグ・シングルトン氏はフォックスニュースに対し、 「WHO事務局長選挙は、多国間主義、特に国連を世界の舞台で米国の利益を促進する手段として優先してきたバイデン政権にとって、最初の多国間試練の一つとなった。政権は国際電気通信連合など他の国際機関の選挙にも候補者を立てているが、テドロス氏に挑戦しない決定についてはまだ説明していない」と語った。
シングルトン氏はさらに、 「今回の失策は、中国の利益に配慮する国連システム全体における指導者候補の昇格を目指す北京の取り組みを含む、中国の国連活動の拡大に対抗しようとするワシントンの取り組みに深刻な疑問を投げかける」と述べた。
以下は、テドロス、WHO、および提案されているパンデミック条約に関する米国下院COVID委員会の調査結果の要約です。詳細な補足テキストについては、 「コロナウイルスのパンデミックに対処し、将来のパンデミックに備えるために適用、制定、または検討中の連邦法または規制の実施または有効性」と題された報告書のセクション、「I. 世界保健機関への過度の依存」サブセクション、 171~188ページを参照してください。
国際人権条約第6条は、「各締約国は、国際的に懸念される公衆衛生上の緊急事態を構成する可能性のあるすべての事象を…24時間以内に…WHOに通報しなければならない」としている。666 通報が必要となる流行の発生には、(1) 重大な公衆衛生上の影響を及ぼすこと、(2) 異常または予期せぬこと、(3) 国際的に拡大するリスクがあること、(4) 国際貿易に重大なリスクをもたらすことが必要である。667 COVID-19は、WHOが中国から流行の発生について正式に通知されるかなり前に、これらすべての基準を満たしていた。さらに、国際人権条約第7条は、「締約国が予期せぬまたは異常な公衆衛生事象の証拠を有する場合…当該締約国は、関連するすべての公衆衛生情報をWHOに提供しなければならない」としている。668 中国共産党はWHOに適時に通報せず、その後貴重な情報を隠蔽したため、世界的な対応が損なわれ、不必要な病気や死につながった。
ウイルスの初期の不適切な管理は別として、WHOはCOVID-19の起源に関する報告書を作成したが、それは中国共産党のプロパガンダを継続する以外の何ものでもなかった。675 WHOはウイルスの起源に関する調査を組織しようとしたが、最初から中国共産党が完全にコントロールしていたことは明らかだった。
「中国側の調査委託事項」(以下、「委託事項」)は、WHOの調査の基本ルールを定めた文書であった。この委託事項は本質的に欠陥があり、中国共産党に重大な裁量権を与え、中国共産党のプロパガンダを繰り返していた。676 例としては、次のようなものがある。
2021年1月、国際チームが中国の武漢を訪れ、ウイルスがいつ、どのようにして発生した可能性があるかの証拠を調査しました。678 2021年3月、WHOチームは「WHO主催のSARS-CoV-2の起源に関する世界的調査:中国編」と題する報告書(以下、「WHO報告書」)を発表し、考えられる起源のシナリオを4つ概説しました。
武漢では、中国の科学者らが200以上の医療機関から約7万6000人の患者の医療記録を調べたと述べた。692 WHOチームが生の数字とデータを要求したとき、中国の科学者らは分析結果のみを提示した。
Malone.News は以前、 WHO の COVID 調査結果をこちらで取り上げました。
• 直接的な人獣共通感染症の流出は、起こりうる経路であると考えられる。
• 中間宿主を介した導入は、可能性が高いまたは非常に高い経路であると考えられる。
• 冷蔵/食品チェーン製品を介した侵入が可能性のある経路であると考えられる。
• 実験室での事故による導入は、極めてありそうにない経路であると考えられました。”
2021年のWHO報告書全文は、 このリンクからダウンロードできます。
#ロバートマローン さんは、#COVID19事件 の当初から米国政府の対策や、大手マスコミが取り上げた医師や研究者の言論に対して根拠を提示して異論を唱えていらっしゃいました。
今回の主張では、WHOが中国政府に忖度して、か、結託して、か、感染初期の初動を誤ったこと、米国の下院の調査結果を根拠にWHO事務総長 テドロス・アダノム・ゲブレイェソスさんに辞任するように勧告している。
#アンソニーファウチ さんが、米国の予算を使って #武漢研究所 に、#人工ウィルス の #機能獲得実験 を依頼したことに端を発している。国家財政を超える規模のお金持ちが、時の中国政府、徳の米国政府、時のWHO事務総長をお金の力を使って支援して、#人口削減計画 を実行したとの推論も成立する。
#COVID19事件 をきっかけに、人類の文化を「自由は獲得する文化」から「生まれながらに自由な文化」へ回帰させよう!
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